Celebrating Rebecca

Community Children’s Matron Rebecca Daniels has won a Cavell Star Award for going above and beyond for her colleagues at East London NHS Foundation Trust. Rebecca and a team of colleagues took on the Cavell Nurses’ Trust Snowdon Challenge in June and once they had reached the summit of the mountain, in 50mph winds and driving rain and hail, the team surprised Rebecca with her Cavell Star Award.

Team mate and Children’s Community Nurse Becky Hepworth explains why Rebecca is such a worthy winner,

“Back in 2020 there was a call to arms from Children’s Community Nurses via twitter. We were sharing a frustration in getting children on our caseload back into education, when they needed aerosol generating procedures as part of their day to day care. This generated an unprecedented response and led to the formation of the Children’s Community Nurse (CCN) national forum. We gathered a huge network of CCNs all sharing good practice and helped to change legislation enabling these children to get back to school with their peers.

“A team of 6 of us from all over the UK have led this but Rebecca has taken the unofficial lead, organising and chairing meetings and sifting through the endless emails. The CCN national forum has a number of sub-groups which Becks also co-ordinates with enthusiasm and endless energy! She gave up her day off, and worked in evenings and weekends for months to do this to ensure that the care we are providing as CCNs is equitable across the country and that best practice is shared. She did this all in addition to her busy Matron role and being a Mum.

“Without Becks’ determination and drive to improve care outcome for children, this would have fallen foul of the ‘over-work’ and ‘pressures of the day jobs’ and we wouldn’t have sustained the input required.
Her passion for the nursing of children in the community and her desire to improve services across the whole of the UK is immense and needs to be recognised. She has been instrumental and a leading light in ensuring that Children’s Community Nursing’s voice is now being heard loud and clear.”

Watch on Twitter as Rebecca receives her Cavell Star Award on top of Snowdon